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Chinese cabbage:an East Asian fresh kick

Exotic, culinary and healthy – Chinese cabbage, also known as “Peking cabbage”, “Japanese cabbage”, “leaf cabbage” or “celery cabbage”, is more popular than ever! The delicate, if majestic-looking head of cabbage, native to East Asia, has climbed several career ladders in this country – on the vegetable shelf, in food magazines and on the Internet. It's no wonder, after all, it's considered a "superfood" — and for good reason. Chinese cabbage not only contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and fiber, it is also very easy to digest and does not cause bloating like other cabbages, which is why it is particularly popular for raw processing.

Chinese cabbage, a tender head

Chinese cabbage is not only easy to digest, but also very tasty and more tender than other types of cabbage. The extremely mild aroma has hardly anything of the otherwise typical cabbage taste. It is suitable for roulades but also a delicious combination partner for fruit and vegetables, such as apples, tomatoes, peppers or cucumbers. Chinese cabbage can be prepared in several ways:Whether raw, fried, steamed, stewed or boiled, the winter superfood is popular in almost every way. However, it is particularly trendy in its Asian preparation, such as Korean kimchi, for which the cabbage is salted and fermented.

From China to the Netherlands

The origin of the Chinese cabbage is already in the name. From China, “the tooth of the white dragon” quickly spread throughout the Asian region. Today it is one of the most widely grown and used vegetables there. But that is not everything. It has also conquered the rest of the continents and is now cultivated worldwide. Chinese cabbage is planted outdoors, where it will find deep, loose, and rich soil. It can be harvested eight to ten weeks later. What makes it special:its high tolerance for cold, which makes it an ideal winter vegetable that can still be harvested in December and January.

In the cabbage maze

Chinese cabbage, cabbage, and pointed cabbage all have certain similarities as members of the cruciferous vegetable family. That can sometimes cause confusion. But the relationship can be quickly clarified:Chinese cabbage is only very distantly related to white and pointed cabbage. Because it comes from a cross between Pak Choi and turnip. Pointed cabbage and white cabbage, on the other hand, are closely related, although strictly speaking pointed cabbage is actually a special form of white cabbage. As close as the similarity is, if you look closely, the visual differences are unmistakable.

White cabbage has a white-green, round and firm head with a thick stem. Pointed cabbage has a fairly pointed, elongated shape and loose leaves, Chinese cabbage has an elongated shape and, in comparison with white and pointed cabbage, has no stem. The wavy leaves can be loose or tightly closed.

Hunger for knowledge!


Why is Chinese cabbage considered a superfood? Not because it is low in calories and consists of more than 90% water, but because it contains many nutrients and vitamins. These include vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, C, K, and carotene, as well as iron, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, selenium, folate, and zinc. In short, nutrients that are all good for building bones and muscles, for oxygen transport in the blood, for a balanced water balance and for the immune system.


The heads must be well closed, the cut surface clear and fresh and the leaf margins crispy.


Chinese cabbage is sensitive:it should not be squeezed too much. But it is durable. It will stay fresh for up to ten days in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. So you can use it in installments. Wrap the sliced ​​cabbage loosely in foil.

Hint: To preserve it, but also because it is very tasty, you can also ferment it according to Korean recipe. In fact, it is the oldest natural preservation technique in the world. And fermented foods not only have a long shelf life, they are also very healthy – that also applies to the Korean specialty kimchi.


Chinese cabbage is practically ready to pot. Only the outer leaves may be removed and the cabbage washed in its entirety.


Raw Chinese cabbage, washed and cut into fine strips, is suitable for salads. When it comes to cooking, you're spoiled for choice. A fine mustard dressing with bell pepper, onions and fresh herbs gives the salad a pleasant taste, while a creamy peanut dressing with lime juice, garlic and chili gives an Asian twist. A vinaigrette or yogurt dressing, on the other hand, gives the salad extra freshness. But you can also cook it, add it to soups and stews, bake or stew. This is faster than, for example, with white or kale, because the leaves are more tender. Whatever preparation method you choose, it should always remain a little crispy.