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Pork recipes for appetizers

Pork recipes for appetizers

In the pig, everything is good:the adage of Brillat-Savarin is well known! However, today, people are more familiar with pork in the form of cutlets wrapped in cellophane in polystyrene trays, in the supermarket... What a pity!

Eat good pork

At the time of COP21, with environmental concerns taking center stage and where junk food has to deal with a rise in power of locavores, organic foods and foods whose traceability can be established, it is necessary to to ask the question of the pig which is at the origin of the delicatessen which arrives on our plate...

In the past, in all the houses, we fattened a pig and it was easy since the pig, being an omnivore, eats everything, from leftover food to hard bread, including peelings or leftover milk, for example. Fed only with unprocessed and non-industrial foods, when it came time to "kill the pig", its meat was of very good quality. This is still the case today if you buy a box of meat from an organic pig producer. It will have a flavor and a taste that is out of all proportion to the meat in the supermarket box, not to mention that its organoleptic qualities will have nothing to do with it either!

In the freezer, in jars, salted, etc... The pig can be preserved in many ways to feed a family throughout the year.

Finding recipes for cooking pork

Pork recipes for appetizers

Aside from roasts, chops, filet mignons and other stir-fries, what we appreciate the most in pork is, of course, the charcuterie! What could be nicer than a good aperitif dinner with pork and good wine (organic or natural, preferably!)?

Precisely, if you want to embark on this kind of evening to impress your friends, leaf through the book "Pork aperitif!" * recently released in bookstores. The authors have given it their all to offer a hundred recipes in which pork products are in the spotlight in all their forms:slices of terrine, focaccia, pizzas, dumplings, bites...all to peck with relish !

You will find authentic recipes as well as more original or even exotic suggestions, so let yourself be tempted by potato croquettes &Comté with Iberian ham, potato wedges with reblochon cheese and bacon, Breton pâté, terrine of campaign with calvados, mini-skewers of scallops with chorizo, fine andouillette tartlets with shallot confit, meatballs with cheese, bites of breast confit with lemongrass, loin pâté with pistachios , mini skewers of filet mignon and caramelized pineapple with ginger…

Whether puff pastries, turnovers, mini-tartlets, mini-pizzas, petit-fours, bites, cakes, muffins, meatballs, mini-skewers, toasts, sandwiches, mini-burgers, pâtés or terrines, you will see that most recipes can also be adapted for main courses or meal starters if you use a little creativity to adapt them based on the flavors and ingredients mentioned!

A rich gourmet gift idea for the holidays! And finally, don't hesitate to take a look at this pretty shop specializing in aperitifs:

* Larousse editions - October 6, 2015 - €15.95