Family Best Time >> Food

Seafood Goujonnettes with Hazelnuts and Szechuan Pepper

Ingredients:4 people
  • fresh beans
    2 kg
  • trimmed salmon fillet
    215 g
  • fillet of John Dory
    215 g
  • savory
    1 small bouquet
  • chopped chives
    2 tablespoons
  • shelled hazelnuts
    50 g
  • butter
  • olive oil
    1 tablespoon
  • sherry vinegar
    2 tablespoons
  • sunflower oil
    6 tablespoons
  • hazelnut oil
    2 tablespoons
  • salt, Sichuan pepper

  • Preparation time:30 minutes
  • Cooking time:15 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 2 ]

Brown the hazelnuts and crush them

Shell the beans, if the skin is too thick, boil them for 2 minutes and cool in ice water, then press between your thumb and forefinger to remove the seed.

Heat a large quantity of salted water, pour in the broad beans with the savory. Leave to cook uncovered for a few minutes. Drain, remove the savory, pour into a container.

In a small sauté pan put the vinegar with a little salt and the crushed Sichuan pepper as well as the oils, let cool and pour 3/4 of it over the beans, mix, set aside.

Cut the fish fillets into goujonnettes about 1 cm thick. Heat the butter and oil in a skillet over low heat and sear the goujonnettes on each side (30 seconds).

Arrange the broad beans on the hot plates, place the goujonnettes on top, alternating them (salmon / John Dory), sprinkle with hazelnuts and chives.

Seafood Goujonnettes with Hazelnuts and Szechuan Pepper