Family Best Time >> Food

Smoked salmon terrine, herb salad and shellfish jelly

Ingredients:12/15 people
  • cooked salmon
    300 g
  • smoked salmon
    500 g
  • Elle &Vire liquid cream
    300 g
  • pre-sliced ​​smoked salmon
    160 g
  • chervil
  • tarragon
  • flat parsley
  • mint
  • mash
  • shellfish jelly
    200 g
  • vinaigrette
    3 tablespoons
  • salt, ground pepper
  • salmon eggs ( chum )
    20 g

  • Preparation time:25 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 2]

Line the terrine with cling film then sliced ​​smoked salmon.

Chop the cooked salmon and the smoked salmon, which have been cut into large cubes, using a food processor.

Whip with the ice cream, season with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Garnish the terrine with this salmon mousse.

Chill for 12 hours.

Place the mixed lettuce seasoned with the vinaigrette and chopped herbs on top of the plate, under it place a slice of terrine.

Garnish with dill fluff and salmon roe. surround with shellfish jelly

Smoked salmon terrine, herb salad and shellfish jelly

Source:Creation designed by the chefs of the Ecole Lenôtre on the initiative of Elle &Vire.