Family Best Time >> Food

Pineapple sorbet in the fruit

Ingredients:10 people
  • 1,500 kg pineapple with plumes of approximately 10 cm
  • syrup at 28° B
    4.5 dl
  • diced candied pineapple
    100 g
  • candied cherries
  • candied pineapple slices
  • 40 x 4 cm high cardboard strip
  • pallet

  • Preparation time:40 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 4]

  • Hollow out the prettiest of the two pineapples as it will be used as a display
  • To core a pineapple vertically: Cut below the plume at 3/4 of the height. Trim the base of the pineapple with a knife to make it stand up.
  • Hollow it out with a serrated knife inserted vertically 1 cm from the bark (do not go all the way to the bottom so as not to pierce it). To detach this cylinder from the bottom, make a horizontal opening of 2 cm at the base. Through this opening, pass the blade of the serrated knife that you move back and forth horizontally in an arc of a circle until the flesh detaches from the bottom.
  • To hollow out a pineapple horizontally: Slice the bark on one side and remove the top third. Hollow out the pineapple using a knife and a spoon, without damaging the rind. The preparation is a little longer but the service will be easier.
  • Preparation of the sorbet: Empty the second pineapple without worrying about the peel. Remove the stringy part of the hearts, pass all the flesh through a sieve with a medium mesh then a fine mesh, or in a vegetable mill, or even in a juicer. You get about 8 dl of puree. Do not hesitate to squeeze the pineapple peel between your hands to express all the juice it contains. Mix the puree and the juice with the syrup. Put in an ice cream maker. Meanwhile, place the hollowed-out pineapple and the plume in the freezer then prepare the vertical decoration if necessary.
  • When the sorbet is ready, add the 100 g of candied pineapple cubes, fill the frozen pineapple and put it back in the freezer.
  • Vertical layout: To cap the pineapple filled with sorbet, form a cylinder of cardboard 4 cm high and with a circumference equal to that of the slice cut at the top of the pineapple. Place this cardboard cylinder on a plate. Line the inside with candied pineapple cubes interspersed with thirds of cherries, put in the freezer for at least 15 minutes.
  • Using a spatula, fill the cylinder of decoration with 1/4 liter of sorbet, starting to fill the gaps between the candied fruit, without damaging the decoration. Smooth to the brim.
  • Refrigerate until ready to serve. Then place the prepared decoration on the top of the filled pineapple, peel off the cardboard using a knife and top the pineapple with a feather.
  • Horizontal presentation: For this presentation, reserve 1/4 liter of sorbet before mixing it with the diced pineapple and use it to form a dome above the garnished pineapple using the spatula, or, if the consistency allows it in the piping bag.
  • Arrange the half-cherry cherries interspersed with the quarter slices of pineapple on the dome of the sorbet to form a decoration. Place back in the freezer until ready to serve.

Source:Recipe by Gaston Lenôtre