Family Best Time >> Food

Chocolate fondant with orange chips and granita

Ingredients:6 people
  • bitter dark chocolate (with at least 52% cocoa)
    200 g
  • eggs
  • softened butter
    80 g
  • powdered sugar
  • fine salt
    1 pinch
  • chips/granita:orange
    1 large
  • sugar
    250 g
  • blood orange juice
    10 cl
  • honey
    2 tablespoons
  • rum
    2 tablespoons

  • Preparation time:30 minutes
  • Cooking time:25 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 3]

Prepare the fondant. Grate the chocolate with a grid with large holes in a terrine. Place it in a moderate water bath. As soon as the chocolate is melted, smooth it with a spatula and still stirring, add the butter little by little. Leave to cool.

While stirring, dissolve the sugar in 5 cl of water. Boil the water. Beat the egg yolks with an electric whisk and incorporate them, whisking the boiling syrup poured in a trickle. Continue whisking until completely cooled, then gradually add the chocolate cream and the stiffly beaten egg whites with a pinch of salt.

Pour the cream into a terrine, cover with stretch paper and place in the freezer for 2 hours. Mix orange juice, honey and rum. Pour into an ice cube tray and store in the freezer.

Prepare the orange chips. While stirring, bring 25 cl of water with the sugar to a boil. Let this syrup boil for 2 minutes. Brush the orange under lukewarm water, dry and cut it in half lengthwise. Remove the ends, cut the orange into thin slices and remove the seeds. Slip them into the syrup, leave to simmer for 10 minutes, then cool in the syrup.

Turn on the broiler. Drain and arrange the orange slices, side by side on a pastry board lined with baking paper. Slide this plate about 12 centimeters from the heat source. Watching them constantly, let them brown, but without caramelizing them, for about 8 minutes, turning them with a spatula halfway through cooking. Let them cool and harden.

To serve, shape the fondant into quenelles with 2 spoons or into balls with a large Parisian apple scoop.

Arrange them on 6 chilled plates. Decorate with orange slices and sprinkles of orange juice granita flakes and serve immediately.

Chocolate fondant with orange chips and granita