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Snack recipe:orange truffles with chia seeds, dates and almonds

Snack recipe:orange truffles with chia seeds, dates and almonds

Yes, an apple is a healthy snack, but this vegan snack can also be eaten. Bet you check the clock after making it to see if it's time for a break yet?

For 18 pieces
Preparation time 30 minutes


  • 2 el chia seeds
  • 4 el orange-apple juice
  • 85 g white almonds, plus 2 tbsp extra
  • 2 tsp grated orange peel
  • 200 g medjoulders, pitted
  • 45 g grated coconut
  • 2 tsp cocoa powder
  • 150 g (vegan) extra dark chocolate (with 85 percent cocoa).

Extra required:stick blender with chopper or food processor

Read also: '5 healthy snacks for the evening'


  • In a bowl, mix the chia seeds with the orange juice and let it soak for 10 minutes.
  • In the meantime, briefly toast the almonds in a dry frying pan, shake on a plate and let cool. Roughly chop the almonds in a food chopper or food processor. Add the orange zest, dates, coconut, cocoa and the soaked chia seeds. Grind to
    a malleable mass. Form 18 balls.
  • Chop the chocolate coarsely. Place a heatproof bowl over a pan with a layer of boiling water in it - the bottom of the bowl should not touch the water. Let the chocolate melt slowly and then cool slightly again.
  • Finely chop the extra almonds. Dip the balls one by one in the melted
    chocolate, drain and place on baking paper. Sprinkle the almonds on top and let the
    chocolate cools and hardens.

More recipes for healthy snacks can be found in the October issue of Santé.

Recipe and image:BeeldigBeeld/Stockfood