Want to prevent your potatoes from sprouting too quickly?
There's an old grandma's trick that works every time.
I tend to always buy the potatoes in bulk (the price per kilo is much lower).
Except that, most of the time, after a few weeks, the potatoes start to sprout.
To avoid this inconvenience, I discovered a very simple trick:
1. Open the bag of potatoes.
2. Drop 1 apple in the middle of your bag of potatoes.
3. Put one or more, depending on the quantity of potatoes to be kept.
There you go, you can now store your potatoes without them sprouting :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
The presence of the apple will slow down the formation of germs.
You will be able to keep potatoes looking perfect for more than 8 weeks.
You wonder how it is possible?
Well, simply because the apple gives off a gas called ethylene which prevents the potatoes from sprouting.
Also be aware that onions and potatoes should never be stored together, as the latter will eventually go soft and rot.
If you are looking for a solution to keep your potatoes and other vegetables longer, this box is made for you!
This storage box allows you to store and increase the life of your vegetables without having to do anything.
Indeed, protected from light and bacteria, vegetables keep much better.
In addition, you can put up to about 4 kg of potatoes in this box!