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Burger King returns to Paris:3 Economic Reasons to Avoid Fast Food!

Burger King returns to Paris:3 Economic Reasons to Avoid Fast Food!

You don't set foot in fast food anymore? You are right, neither am I. Just because Burger King is back in Paris doesn't mean you have to make an exception to the rule. Here are 5 economic reasons that will remind you why you should continue to boycott fast food.

After returning to Marseille and Reims in 2011, Burger King is launching a third franchise in Paris at the capital's busiest station, Gare Saint-Lazare. On this news relayed by Le Parisien, the temptations to return to have a little whopper are numerous.

And as the blogger Jean-Philippe Herbien explains very well on the most of the Nouvel Obs, the image of Burger King is the image of temptation.

But, unlike this nostalgic Burger King, is it really because we knew it when we were little that we are going to go back to stuffing ourselves with a double whopper?

Here are 5 economic reasons not to set foot there, whether at Mc Do, Quick or even Burger King.

1. Save Money:Junk Food is Cheaper at Home!

Burger King returns to Paris:3 Economic Reasons to Avoid Fast Food!

Cravings for junk-food, dripping burgers, good fries, we all have them. And fortunately, because there is no harm in having fun.

Let's compare the price of a whopper at Burger King with that of a homemade cheeseburger .

Many of you liked the homemade burger recipe proposed by Cathy, our culinary blogger. At €1.90 per burger, his recipe is super economical in addition to being delicious.

The price of a simple whopper without fries or drink at Burger King is €4.20. If you take the Whopper menu it's €7.50.

For 4 people, you therefore save €9.20 on the burger. We don't even count the savings on the fries and the drink so as not to overload the boat, but you have understood the principle.

2. Save Calories by Avoiding Fast Food

A Whopper menu with a medium fries, a Whopper with cheese and a coke is 1271 calories according to the American site CalorieCount which details the nutritional values ​​of the entire BurgerKing menu.

As you know, a detour to a fast food restaurant is a lot of calories. And then, no harm in having fun once in a while. But when you do the math, it's still a lot. 1271 calories for a menu without dessert is already:

• 64% of the daily intake for a woman which is 2000 calories on average. Suffice to say that on a single meal, it is twice the necessary intake.

• 51% of the daily intake for a man which is 2500 calories on average.

3. Save on Your Health

More than a calorie intake beyond the necessary and therefore an increased risk of weight gain, it is the nutritional value of food that is scary. These are not fats that are easily eliminated but rather saturated fatty acids as well as astronomical amounts of sugar.

See for yourself the data collected on CalorieCount for A burger (Whopper), a medium fries and a Coke.

Burger King returns to Paris:3 Economic Reasons to Avoid Fast Food!

In total, this complete menu reaches very high proportions in relation to the required daily intake.

Burger King returns to Paris:3 Economic Reasons to Avoid Fast Food!

Do you also know the 3 dangers of Coca-Cola for health ? If not, read our tip about it.

All this calms my appetite and the desire to go back to a fast food restaurant... but motivates me to cook good burgers. And you, would you be ready to reduce your frequentation of fast food? What do you think of this article. Your opinion matters to us.