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Family and Economic:my Beef Meatballs with Tomato.

Family and Economic:my Beef Meatballs with Tomato.

When I say the words "Beef Meatballs in Tomato Sauce", my children are stamping with joy and I am the best mother in the world.

This recipe is family and economical.

Very simple to make, it has become a classic in my daily cooking.

Family and Economic:my Beef Meatballs with Tomato.

For 6 People, I Need

  • 1 kg ground beef
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato puree
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp chopped parsley
  • 2 onions
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper

An Easy Preparation

Preparation:20 min - Cooking:25 min

  1. I peel and finely chop my onions, then chop my parsley.
  2. In a bowl, I put my ground beef, my onions, my parsley and my 2 whole eggs.
  3. I salt, pepper and knead well.
  4. I shape small meatballs then roll them in flour.
  5. I plunge my tomatoes into a pan of boiling water, as soon as the skin comes off, I drain them, peel them and mash them with a fork.
  6. In a sauté pan, I brown my meatballs with a drizzle of olive oil, turning them regularly.
  7. As soon as they are golden, I add my blended tomatoes and my tomato puree.
  8. I salt, pepper, mix gently and cover.
  9. I cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

I serve with fresh pasta!

Bonus Tip

To give more flavor to your meatballs, add spices during their preparation:a teaspoon of paprika, saffron or sweet pepper. I don't systematically put it in my meatballs, my children particularly appreciate them plain.

Family and Economic:my Beef Meatballs with Tomato.

A Soft Cost

  • 1 kg of ground beef:€9.64 per kilo
  • 2 eggs:€0.50
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste:30 g at €1.62 per kilo, i.e. €0.05
  • 3 tomatoes:around 360 g at €2.50 per kilo, i.e. €0.90
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley:30 g at €18.90 per kilo, i.e. €0.57
  • 3 tablespoons of flour:45 g at €0.95 per kilo, i.e. €0.04
  • 2 onions:around 200 g at €1.85 per kilo, i.e. €0.37