Family Best Time >> Food

Junk food 2.0:Sushi

"I love it, sushi. So this weekend I went to an all you can eat Sushi restaurant with great enthusiasm.'

Marie: It was a long time ago for me and I forgot what the atmosphere of such a restaurant was like. I was blown away and regularly burst out laughing because of the exaggerated hospitality of the staff. Serious? Should explaining the rules:'You have this table until 7.30 pm', and getting your order within 3 minutes, contribute to the experience of your night out? Cozy!

punctually on time

When a friendly lady asked us at 7 pm if we would like one last lap, I couldn't bear it anymore. Primetime 7.30pm we got the bill, in other words, and now fuck off. Cozy! At 7.30 pm we rolled out stretched out, because of course, being Dutch as we are, we have made the most of the past two hours.

How many calories do you ingest during such an evening?

Counting calories is not my thing, but I find it useful to do. Or, to do it for you. Because anyone who still thinks sushi is healthy is making a big mistake here. A single piece contains around 80 kcal. Hmmm… 3 Californias, 2 Lazy Tunas, 2 Salcum Makis, 1 Maguro Temaki, 1 Smooth Salmon, 2 pieces of sashimi, lots of seaweed salad (with sugar) and the rest… just do the math. Within two hours I have consumed more than 1000 kcal.

And then we haven't even mentioned the salt and the amount of glucose (white rice), excess of proteins (fish), and the two glasses of chardonnay I drank with it.

Is sushi unhealthy?

Which is better:A Big Mac menu, eating at a bistro (piece of meat with fries) or (all you can eat) sushi? You now know the answer! Is the danger then in all you can eat? Of course. But despite opening your floodgates, even 5 pieces of sushi remain a source of energy (salt and proteins) that have to go somewhere.

Extra tip! Avoid going to these types of restaurants with your date. Because of the salt (and the wine) you retain so much moisture and you wake up the next day with swollen eyes up to your eyebrows.

Enjoy your meal!


This blog is a contribution of Marije de Vries (1981). She runs and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and business. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.