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The new food trend:rainbow sushi

We thought we had done it all, and yet the rainbow trend surprises again and again. Latest trend:rainbow sushi. After being transformed into a burger or a pie, they are now available on Instagram in a multicolored version. The idea? Inject food coloring into the rice to color the sushi. If the taste does not change at all, the aesthetics are surprising to say the least and obviously did not fail to make the buzz on Instagram.

Rainbow fashion

Weird as it may sound, this trend isn't just about food. The field of make-up has also taken on the “rainbow effect”. Indeed, after the rainbow hair, it is the rainbow face highlighter that panicked the canvas. The prince ? Illuminate the face with ultra-colorful shades and form, as a bonus, a small rainbow on the cheekbones after its application. More recently, “rainbow lashes” (eyelashes of all colors) have appeared. Apparently the rainbow revolution is underway, and has not finished talking about it.