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Review:food is the new diets

Healthy eating does not necessarily have to be strict calorie counting. Herengracht Restaurant &Bar in Amsterdam proves that. For six weeks, they offer a different three-course menu every week, developed by a leading nutritionist.

In other words, food is the new diet. We were allowed to taste. Jobien Groen had the honor of putting together the menu for the first week. She wrote the book Lekker Lokaal, from which the recipes for this menu come. With a pinch of input from the chef of Herengracht of course.

Tarte tatin of leek and skeapsrond.

Main course
Fried haddock, Jerusalem artichoke gnocchi with mint &walnut and Jerusalem artichoke foam.

Apple clafoutis with rosemary and thyme ice cream.

Good bite
We get excited when we see the menu, but when the starter is served, we get even more excited. With every course we get a short explanation about what is on our plate. Each and every one of the dishes looks beautiful, they smell delicious. We are sold after every first bite.

Review:food is the new diets These phone photos don't do the dishes enough justice, but they give you an idea.

Eating out healthy too
This week you can taste Jobien Groen's three-course menu. For the next five weeks there will be a different menu from a different nutritionist to taste every week. A menu costs €29.50. Reservations can be made via Herengracht 435, Amsterdam.