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A healthy lunch every day, without making much effort

Don't feel like preparing a healthy lunch for the entire working week? This is the solution.

Start a Lunch Bunch
What? The idea comes from five lawyers from New York. They started a lunch group over two years ago. Everyone makes lunch one day a week. So:once a week you bring lunch for five people, the other days someone else takes lunch for you. How nice is that?

Tips for a successful Lunch Bunch
In more than two years, the group from New York has only missed five days. Around them more and more people started a lunch group. Good example to follow. The real Lunch Bunch from New York has a number of tips to make and keep your lunch group successful.

1. Find some people with the same eating preferences
If you prefer to eat meat every day with your lunch, it will not work if there is a vegetarian in the group.

2. Avoid too pronounced flavors
Not everyone likes dishes overloaded with garlic. Also be careful with onions, it is not nice to go to the next meeting with a strong smelling breath.

3. Provide good packaging
If you go out of your way in the kitchen, it's nice if lunch also stays fresh. Provide good storage containers. In addition, make sure you come up with a system to always get the trays back to the right person on time.

4. Don't stress about lunch
Are you sick, or do you not have time to make lunch? At the Lunch Bunch they don't make it a problem. Has lunch turned out a little less tasty than hoped? Too bad, they are still grateful that another lunch was prepared.

In the February issue of Santé you will find 21 healthy lunch recipes. The new Santé will be in stores from tomorrow. You can order the February issue in our webshop, while stocks last.