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The healthy lunch break

Complete concentration and efficiency are basic requirements to make working hours as productive as possible. For this, however, the body needs one thing above all:sufficient energy. To get the most out of the lunch break, the 60-30-10 rule is recommended. 60 percent of the lunch break is mealtime, 30 percent should be scheduled for exercise and 10 percent for relaxation. Not to be ignored is what is eaten for lunch. With a balanced, light lunch based on valuable energy sources, the reserves for the rest of the day can be replenished. Lunch boxes provide a stress-free, healthy and varied lunch, which can be filled with the right power food the night before and taken to work in the morning relaxed.

Powerfood in the lunchbox

More than half of the lunch should be invested in a balanced and relaxed meal. Our brain alone consumes more than 20 percent of our daily energy needs. The following applies:light food in medium portions is recommended. A heavy lunch makes you tired, sluggish and reduces concentration. Digestion costs a lot of energy that is then lacking elsewhere, namely in the brain. Ideal for a stress-free and healthy lunch:lunch boxes. They can be prepared the night before and taken to work in the morning. This saves valuable time during the lunch break and avoids stress, even before work. In addition, the lunch box can be filled differently every day with tasty power foods. An energy lunch might look like this:a healthy sandwich made from whole wheat bread, avocado and salmon. Whole wheat bread contains a lot of good carbohydrates and fiber that are easy to digest and keep you full for a long time. Avocado is rich in good fatty acids for the brain and the salmon contains important omega-3 fatty acids, which also have a positive influence on brain function. Margarine also contains valuable vegetable oils that increase the efficiency of the brain with their omega-3 content.

The following also applies outside the break: snacking is allowed. You can easily store a handful of nuts, dried fruit or fresh berries in a lunch box and are immediately at hand when you are hungry. A healthy snack avoids food cravings and prevents an afternoon slump. As a result, the energy is delivered evenly to the body and the blood sugar level remains constant. This promotes concentration and provides mental and physical strength.

30 percent exercise time:oxygen for the organism

A short walk in the fresh air increases oxygen levels in the brain and promotes blood flow to the gray cells. Ten minutes of exercise is sufficient for this. The metabolism is stimulated and our body gets new energy. The changed environment also stimulates the thinking ability and provides new creative stimuli. If our body does not get enough oxygen, fatigue and poor concentration are inevitable.


After the movement, rest follows:during the break, put the phone aside and close your eyes for a moment. Ten percent of the break should be spent on complete relaxation.