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Cold pear soup recipe with herb sorbet ice cream and fruit skewers

On hot days, nothing is better than a cold soup. In Santé you will find delicious recipes, and the soups are also packed with vitamins. Also try this cold pear soup.

For 4 people
Preparation time:45 minutes + 4 hours chilling + 1 night marinating

For the ice

  • 1 handful of verbena (lemon verbena)
  • 2 sprigs of mint
  • 2 sprigs of lemon balm
  • 200 ml dry white wine
  • 100 ml clear apple juice
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 proteins

For the soup

  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 2 pears
  • 2 bananas
  • juice of 1 orange
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • ½ nectarine
  • 100 g watermelon pulp
  • 4 raspberries
  • extra needed:possibly ice cream maker, blender

Get started Save a few sprigs of verbena for the skewers. Pick the leaves from the rest of the herb sprigs and place them in a bowl. In a saucepan, bring the wine to the boil with the apple and lemon juice, 150 ml water and the sugar. Let it simmer for a few minutes until all the sugar has dissolved. Let it cool off the heat for 10 minutes. Pour the syrup over the herb leaves and cover the bowl. Let it marinate overnight.

The next day, beat the egg whites until foamy (but not stiff). Pour the herb syrup through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Beat the syrup through the egg white foam. Make creamy sorbet ice cream in an ice cream machine. Or pour the ice cream base into a low metal container and put it in the freezer for 3 hours. Stir the freezing ice cream vigorously with a fork every 20 minutes to avoid coarse ice crystals.
Cut open the vanilla pod and scrape out the pith with a pointed knife. Peel the pears, cut them into quarters and remove the core. Peel the bananas and break them into pieces. Puree the pears with the bananas, orange and lime juice, vanilla and honey in a blender. Add approx. 250 ml ice-cold water in shoots until the soup is thick.

Place the soup, covered, in the fridge for at least 1 hour to cool through. Cut the nectarine into wedges and the melon into cubes. Thread them with the raspberries onto the vanilla pod and the verbena sprigs. Divide the pear soup and the fruit skewers among the bowls. Scoop small balls of the sorbet ice cream with an ice cream scoop and place them in the soup. Serve immediately.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe and image:BeeldigBeeld/Stockfood