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Pay attention! You should not eat these five vegetables raw

Pay attention! You should not eat these five vegetables raw

Have a snack in between cooking. We all do it sometimes. But with these vegetables it is better to wait until they are baked or cooked.


You have to be careful with this delicious purple vegetable. An eggplant contains the substance solanine. This can lead to stomach and intestinal complaints when ingested in large quantities.

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Mushrooms and other raw mushrooms contain the toxin araritine. In large quantities, the substance is toxic. So picking up a few mushrooms can't hurt, but don't sit on the couch with the whole bowl and have a nice snack. As soon as agaritine is heated, it breaks down.

Kidney beans

The kindey bean can help with weight loss and is very healthy, but it can make you feel annoying. Raw kidney beans contain the toxin lectin. This substance can make you nauseous and even make you vomit. Even dried kidney beans contain this toxin. It is therefore important that you always soak and cook these. Canned kidney beans can also be eaten raw. These are already sufficiently heated before they are packaged, which makes lectin harmless.

Harricot verts

Whether it is really nice to eat a raw harricot verts is up to you. But do you ever do it? Stop it! Like kidney beans, harricot verts contain lectin. So you also get the same complaints.

Germ vegetables

Sprouting vegetables such as alfalfa and bean sprouts are a bit out of the question in this list. They contain no toxins, but may contain bacteria. These bacteria can potentially cause food poisoning. These bacteria can also be killed by heating. If you want to keep the sprouts crispy, you can immerse them in boiling water or stir-fry them in the wok.

Source:Elle food