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This is how you easily make a healthy late night snack

This is how you easily make a healthy late night snack

It's been hours since your dinner. And your pantry tells you it won't be cookies or chocolate anymore. Go for a nice middle ground if you still feel that hunger pang coming on late at night.

He's simple, guilt-free and chances are you already have the ingredients at home. A nice late night snack, but with an excellent choice.

Also read:'9 DIY comfort foods with coconut milk'

You need this

A few tablespoons of cottage cheese

An apple cut into pieces

A little cinnamon

This is how you make it

Get a bowl that can go in the microwave. Toss in the apple piece, sprinkle cinnamon on top. And over that you throw the cottage cheese. Put in the microwave for 1.5 minutes and voilà, your snack is ready. Nice bonus:your kitchen will smell so good from the heated cinnamon!