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5 Drinks That Give You a Boost (And It's Not Coffee)

5 Drinks That Give You a Boost (And It s Not Coffee)

Not a fan of coffee, but do you need a pick-me-up to get you going in the morning? Don't worry! These 5 drinks not only give you the boost you need, but are also tasty and healthy.

1. Lemon water

You may have heard that drinking lemon water in the morning can help improve your digestion and skin. But did you know that lemons contain a high amount of potassium? This allows more oxygen to reach your brain, allowing you to function better. Water – whether with or without lemon juice – also has the benefit of keeping you hydrated, allowing your brain and the rest of your body to function optimally.

2. Beetroot juice

Beets are full of nitrates, which help widen your blood vessels and increase blood flow to your brain. This can improve both your mental and cognitive functions. This means that you can function better now and may run a lower risk of developing dementia in the future. If you also sport it, this effect could even increase. Maybe from now on drink a glass of beet juice half an hour before your workout?

5 Drinks That Give You a Boost (And It s Not Coffee) 5 Drinks That Give You a Boost (And It s Not Coffee)

3. Green tea

Green tea is another popular drink that has been used for centuries to improve brain activity. Green tea has the same benefits as coffee when it comes to caffeine, but it also contains the amino acid L-Theanine. This chemical can help reduce panic and stimulate the production of dopamine in your body. So, combined with the caffeine, this is a powerful way to improve your brain activity and feel less rushed than drinking other caffeinated drinks.

5. Chocolate milk

It may not seem like a logical choice, but chocolate milk can also give your brain a big boost. Cocoa contains a lot of flavonoids, which can help maintain and improve your cognitive functions, from your memory and concentration span to your learning ability. Of course you can also nibble on a piece of chocolate, but a nice hot chocolate is also a good idea to start your morning. Make sure that you choose a dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa to enjoy the benefits.

4. Berry smoothie

Berries are not only delicious in a smoothie, they also have a positive effect on your brain. Strawberries, blackcurrants, blueberries and acai berries can give your brain a long-term boost and thus counteract age-related memory loss. These berries are packed with antioxidants, which protect cells from damage and can affect the way neurons communicate in your brain. A good excuse for a smoothie full of berries, right?

Read also:9x tea with a healthy effect

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