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The Food Calendar:Francesca cooks helps you on your way every day

“Maaaam, what are we eating today?” Every now and then I have my stomach so full of that question. Probably because I don't know the answer myself. Because while I like to serve my family a healthy, nutritious meal, cooking is not really my hobby. Just like shopping. All too often the inspiration - or rather the lack of it - is the culprit. Fortunately, something has fallen on the mat that could just be my lifesaver:Francesca Kookt's food calendar. Asking if I want to try this one. Could you also use some extra inspiration when it comes to your activities in the kitchen? Then read on, because I can also give a few away.

Table of contents

What are we eating today, the food calendar inspires!

At least once a week (but secretly more often) I have my stomach full and an empty head. Do you also have trouble figuring out what to eat? I do. Let alone making a shopping list. Then you also have to take into account the wishes of your family. Or do you just make what you want? I always shout very loudly 'eat what the pot is'. But that's easier said than done. And nothing is more annoying than serving the same type of food every week, because your kids don't like anything else or because you have no inspiration again. I am now tackling the latter with Francesca's food calendar.

Anyway, in many households it is still the case that mother and wife are behind the stove in the evenings. Here also. And while I don't hate cooking, it's not my biggest hobby either. Then it is sometimes a challenge to make the best of it. Well, it looks like it's going to get a little easier now. The Food Calendar 2018 is out! Something for you?

The Food Calendar 2018

The Eetkalender has been released since 2016. It could just be that you just have De Eetkalender 2017 in the kitchen. I just didn't know about it yet. Now I do and I am cautiously positive about the developments in my brain. A -for me- new, but very welcome concept. Every day inspiration for what you can make, it feels like a rescue.

Weekly menus, shopping lists and a family planner

The Eetkalender is therefore already being published for the third year in a row. Francesca van Berk, known from, is the culinary brain behind this handy weekly planner. It becomes clear to me from the first week that her brain is a lot more culinary than mine. Creative dishes that are never on the table here. Fortunately, a shopping list is also drawn up every week.

With the recipes you put something original and healthy on the table every day. The dishes are aimed at the whole family. Also for small eaters! Although they will undoubtedly sit at the table with long teeth because they are presented with something new. But hey, that's how they learn from food I guess. In any case, the majority of the recipes are perfectly suitable for our kids.

Day left on the food calendar

Francesca had already figured out that cooking according to recipes often results in leftovers. Fresh ingredients that you can throw away at the end of the week. A shame, I wrote about it before in my blog saving on groceries! In any case, it is leftover day every Friday on the Food Calendar. Francesca then gives tips on how to reuse the leftovers from that week in a tasty new dish.

The family planner

The Dining Calendar 2018 is actually an indispensable part of the kitchen. It is also a handy family planner. It has already earned its spot on the counter. You don't just write down plans for the whole family. Your blazes can now see what's on the menu on the calendar too! Are you finally out of this whining? You score De Eetkalender on the website