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Kitchen trend:the One Pot Pasta

Student friends, moms, businesswomen, or simply lazy, this culinary trend should delight busy women that you are. We're not going to lie to each other, we've all already dragged our feet at the idea of ​​cooking:with the One Pot Pasta, all that is over. Pasta, fillings, we put everything in the same pan and let it cook. Tada! We have a tasty dish ready in not even twenty minutes.

The principle?

Put all the ingredients at the same time in a saucepan with a little water, and let simmer over low heat. It's a bit the same principle as cooking pilaf or risotto:you have to cook the pasta until all the water is absorbed. Thus, without special talent, we get a colorful, tasty and creamy dish. Something to delight our taste buds!

Where does this come from?

It was in the Puglia region, in the south of Italy, that a chef had the idea of ​​cooking his entire pasta dish in a single container. It inspired the popular
Martha Stewart, a Polish-born businesswoman, who popularized it in the United States. She has thus published a book with her own recipes, so the famous spaghetti, cherry tomatoes, onions, garlic and basil that you can discover in the video above.

Why is it cool?

Do we still have to prove it to you? It is an easy technique, accessible to both beginners and great cooking enthusiasts who want to rest a little. In twenty minutes, you have a delicious pasta dish. In addition, the recipes are endlessly adaptable, depending on the ingredients, the different types of pasta... And finally, the best for last:you will only have one pan to wash. This is not negligible!

How to cook it?

If the preparation is very simple, it must nevertheless be monitored:stir regularly so that the pasta does not stick to the bottom of the pan. Also be careful not to put too much water, because the principle is not to have to drain the pasta. Remember to adapt the container to the size of the pasta, and above all, put a lot of herbs for maximum taste. That's it!

The hashtag #onepotpasta is doing the rounds of the web, you will find heaps of recipe ideas.

Otherwise, we offer you the One Pot Pasta salmon and coconut milk. You need:200 g of pasta, 2 pieces of salmon, 25 cl of coconut milk, 2 small tomatoes, 1 green pepper, 1 clove of garlic cut into pieces, 1 minced onion, 1 stick of minced lemongrass, 1 tablespoon of chopped ginger, lemon juice, 1 vegetable stock cube, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 pinch of curry, 1 teaspoon of coarse salt, 2 turns of the pepper mill, 75 cl of water. In this order, put the ingredients in the pan, cook for 20 minutes over medium heat, and bon appetit! Recipe discovery
on The Cook Time blog.