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The Beast and the Beast macarons are melting Instagram

Tea room, make-up collection, doll… Since the announcement of the release of the film Beauty and the Beast with Emma Watson, the diversions multiply. The pastry chef Meghan Rosko, known on Instagram for her adorable creations, had a gourmet idea to pay tribute to this adaptation of the Disney cartoon:she created a macaron especially for the occasion!

Over 100,000 views

In a video shared on the social network, the young woman reveals the stages of the realization:after having made her macaroon device, she makes small piles with a piping bag, and cooks everything. She then assembles four shells, and adds cream between each of them. Meghan Rosko then recreates the laces of Belle's famous yellow dress on the sides of her creation. The best is for the end:the pastry chef makes a transparent candy, on which she draws the famous enchanted rose. This pretty delicacy comes to overhang this sublime macaroon!

Internet users have obviously been conquered by the work of Meghan Rosko:the video has been viewed more than 100,000 times and commented on in glowing terms, some messages even going so far as to qualify the pastry chef as a “genius”! One thing is certain:there is something magical about this macaroon!