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Healthier versions of the Mars and Snickers are coming to market

A few weeks ago, a report from the European Society of Cardiology took everyone by surprise:it indicated that eating 3 chocolate bars a month reduced the risk of heart failure. Since then, a new study conducted by the University of Living Sciences in Warsaw has proven that chocolate allows you to live longer, just like beer and wine. It's because everything leads us to believe that chocolate is our health ally, provided, of course, that we don't abuse it. What if the good compromise was to eat less sweet chocolate bars? This is what the Mars group intends to offer consumers in any case. From January 2019, two healthier versions of Mars and Snickers candy bars will go on sale in response to the obesity problem. The alternatives which will be baptized "More Protein" will contain, as the mention indicates, more protein but also less sugar:17.5 g for the Mars, which corresponds to 40% less sugar than that contained in the current candy, and 14.1 g for Snickers, or 30% less sugar. This novelty, which we can only be delighted with, should also concern Twix and Milky Way products.

A taste of chocolate that should remain unchanged

David Manzini, the general manager of the British branch of the Mars group, affirms that the low-fat delicacies will retain the same chocolate taste (yeah, we ask to see!). He explains that he is aware that public expectations are changing, at a time when food is more than ever at the center of government public health plans. “There is a greater desire than before for novelty, innovation, flavors and new products. We have a role to play and a responsibility, that's why we came up with this idea and will continue to work hard “says the manager. If the intention is good, success is not guaranteed to be there. Last July, Kellogg's reduced the amount of sugar in its Coco Pops cereal by 40% but the formula did not appeal, as Britons described it as bitter and unpleasant. We are therefore waiting to see what this will give for the chocolate bars whose release is not yet announced in France. Chocolate, yes, but we keep our hands light!