Family Best Time >> Food

Grenoble:the marriage of walnuts and chocolate

  • Preparation:45 min
  • Cooking:30 min
  • Complexity:Medium

Ingredients for 6 people

  • 90g of sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • 140g walnuts
  • 100g of chocolate
  • 40g of breadcrumbs
  • 75g of butter
  • 1 vanilla pod


Start by breaking the chocolate into pieces, and melt it in a bain-marie.

Meanwhile, separate the egg yolks from the whites. Mix the yolks with the sugar, until a whitish mixture is obtained.

Then chop the nuts. Put some aside, and add the rest to the yolks-sugar mixture. Also add the breadcrumbs, softened butter, and melted chocolate.
Split your vanilla pod in half, then try to extract as many small seeds as possible (these are the ones that will give the mixture a vanilla flavor) that you will add to the mixture.

Then prepare your mold by buttering it, and lining it with the walnuts previously set aside.

You can now beat the egg whites. Then gently fold them into the mixture.

Pour the preparation into the mold, and put in the oven for about thirty minutes, thermostat 5, at 200°C. It is also possible to pour the dough into small molds to make individual Grenoblois.

Idea :to give a more festive look to your Grenoble, decorate it with small candies, or marzipan whose taste and texture will go perfectly with it.