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Eating cheese with tea is recommended

Nothing like a cheese platter with a glass of wine? False ! In any case, this is the opinion of Rachel Safko, an American specialist in beverages and food. In the columns of Forbes , she says that cheese goes particularly well with… tea! This beverage, which she dubs "the chameleon of drinks", would have similarities with wine:"Like wine, tea has a variable degree of tannin with a natural astringency (…) Cheese offers a good balance to this astringency", she explains.

Revolutionizing the aperitif

The advantage of tea? Its warmth, which would sublimate the underlying flavors of the cheese. To test this explosive blend, Rachel Safko recommends pairing first harvest Darjeeling tea with a piece of brie; green tea with fresh goat cheese or triple cream cheese; or even Japanese Sencha with classic goat cheese. But according to this specialist, multiple combinations are possible, you just have to try. Something to revolutionize our aperitifs!