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Pizza Hut launches self-driving car that delivers pizza

2018 will be a year in which we will see the emergence of ever more efficient and innovative technologies. The progress is far from stopping and the first to show it to us at the beginning of January are the teams of Pizza Hut, the American fast food chain specializing in pizzas. They revealed on Twitter their latest creation which will soon revolutionize the delivery service to customers:the e-Palette, developed in collaboration with the Japanese car manufacturer Toyota. Kezako? It is a perfectly autonomous vehicle that will deliver Italian food lovers in the same neighborhood within 2 years, as reported by Mashable . Good news for people uncomfortable with human contact:all you have to do is remove the pizza ordered a few tens of minutes earlier from the cart, without having to have a chat that decorum usually requires.

A similar invention in Black Mirror

If the invention illustrates the incredible technological advances that are taking place, it can also be the subject of concern. Indeed, the Twitter account of the seriesBlack Mirror , specializing in dystopia, noted a disturbing resemblance to a craft that appears in one of its episodes that depict a dark future. Warning, (slight) spoilers! In episode 3 of season 4 titled Crocodile , an unmanned vehicle that also provides deliveries for the pizza company "Fences Pizza" knocks down and injures a pedestrian. The team working on the series then took over the publication of Pizza Hut which announces the upcoming arrival of its e-Palette and tweeted with humor:“We know how this is all going to end ". Rather well seen! The joke has been “liked” more than 215,000 times by Internet users who are visibly unconcerned about the repercussions such an invention could have. After all, you have to know how to distinguish fiction from reality...