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An American burger restaurant serves them with a tarantula as a garnish

For a few years now, the burger has been a dish that chefs and restaurateurs have enjoyed revisiting. No, it does not necessarily rhyme with greasy and poor quality ingredients, it can also be refined or even exotic. And on this last point, an American establishment wins the prize for inventiveness, but certainly not that of unanimity among customers. The Bull City Burger and Brewery is located in the city of Durham in the US state of North Carolina, which is currently celebrating 'Exotic Meat Month' where customers can substitute beef and chicken by reindeer meatballs, alligator penis, a camel burger or python curry. If these few preparations can already arouse reactions of disgust (no, no, don't hide, it had the same effect on us), wait until you see the chef's specialty of this very special menu.

A taste of crab with bitterness

This is a burger whose main garnish is none other than… a tarantula! Forgiveness to all arachnophobes for this horror vision (there is still time to move on!). The big spider, obviously dead, sits on top of a piece of beef and, surprisingly, the dish is so popular that the staff have been forced to set up a raffle to select the 'lucky' tasters of the dish. 'extreme. Those who have already passed the test (that's the appropriate term, yes, yes) - and who have also been rewarded with a T-shirt praising the feat - have claimed that the tarantula tastes like crab with a little more bitterness, and that each bite had a different texture and flavor. Not sure that it will convince the most reluctant to take the plunge... For those who would like to try, dried tarantulas are for sale on Amazon UK for £15, or €17.50. Otherwise, you can always take inspiration from the latest dish on the Bull City Burger and Brewery menu:an insect guacamole. Take a little walk in the garden, it should be quite easy to find in this spring season...