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Instagram:how to take great food photos? Follow the advice of the pros!

The most popular photos on Instagram include the admiring bodies of fitness enthusiasts, the faces of our four-legged friends and, of course, the pretty food dishes. If many of us have gradually got into the habit of putting what they have on our plate online, do not improvise a talented photographer who wants. To impress (even more) its subscribers, we follow the wise advice of two beauty professionals:Jessica Legitimus, partner photographer of the Deliveroo platform (if you salivate in front of the dishes offered by the app, it's probably thanks to her!) and Cat Byers, food stylist. And the tips are valid for both the camera and the smartphone… We take note! First point:light. It is always necessary to favor the much more flattering daylight, which is why it is strategic to place your dish near a large window. We think of turning off the lights in the room which can "pollute" the natural light and we especially avoid the flash which degrades the photo. Then, we are interested in the angle:two solutions are possible, a shot from above and another from the side (at 45°). The first, diving, highlights the colorful and particularly garnished dishes but in general, it is the second which ensures a better rendering. It is therefore appropriate to immortalize a cake, sushi or even 3/4 meat. Do not be afraid to approach the preparation in question, the effect can be very pleasant!

Accessorizing the scene is “telling the story” of the photo

As far as the depth of field is concerned, we choose it rather shallow. The foreground and the background must be blurred in order to bring out the dish, but you should know that the effect is almost impossible to obtain with a smartphone. And speaking of plans, it is a good idea to furnish the surrounding space. A knife placed next to the cut chives, a pretty napkin or a colorful flower nearby… The details are important and bring, without you really realizing it, cachet to the cliché. For experts, accessorizing means “telling the story” of the photo. Smart! Cat Byers also reveals the secrets of her trade which contribute to increasing the aesthetic aspect of a publication, such as stacking her cupcakes in odd numbers for a more natural and "homemade" result, or spraying water droplets on the side of a cocktail glass to give an impression of freshness. The food stylist explains that you shouldn't be afraid to mess up the scene, on the contrary, that's what will give it all its charm and a "lively" look. The rule of 3 is also a good reflex to adopt. It defines the fact of dividing an image into 3 and not placing the main subject in the center. Last tip, be careful with the materials from which the dishes are made because silver, glass and steel can reflect the image of the photographer. The good alternative is matte tableware. You know everything, all you have to do is get started... Get the "likes" by the dozens, uh... Hundreds!