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Cyril Lignac's vegetable lasagna:a summery and gourmet recipe with products that smell good in summer

The lasagna it is an institution in Italy, an essential dish! Whether bolognese, fish or vegetables, they have it all. Young and old appreciate them because they are rich, tasty and absolutely melting. To change from the traditional recipe of "Lasagne alla bolognese", based on bolognese and béchamel, typical of the city region of Bologna in Italy, the chef Cyril Lignac has a recipe of its own that smells like summer. At the microphone of RTL , he shared the preparation steps to make Lasagna with Tuna and Sun Vegetables . A recipe that can be eaten hot or cold.

Chef Cyril Lignac's summer vegetable lasagna recipe

Preparation time:20 minutes.
Cooking time:15 minutes.

For 4 people you need:

  • 5 sheets of dry lasagna pasta cooked in salted water for 3 minutes*
  • 1 zucchini, cut into 3 mm long slices
  • ½ aubergine, cut into 3 mm long slices
  • 200 g washed and halved cherry tomatoes
  • 300 g of tuna in olive oil
  • 300 g of tomato coulis
  • 1 clove of garlic, peeled and degermed
  • Basil
  • Espelette pepper
  • 1 onion, peeled and chopped
  • 40g flour
  • 40 g of butter
  • 50 cl of whole milk
  • 125 g grated parmesan or other grated cheese
  • 1 piece of grated parmesan or other grated cheese
  • Olive oil
  • Fine salt and ground pepper

* If you have fresh pasta for the assembly of your lasagna, no need to cook it in advance, you can put it raw, directly in the assembly of the lasagna.

Preparation steps:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  2. Prepare a good tomato sauce. In a pan, pour a dash of olive oil, drop the onion and sweat it. Add the garlic, pour the tomato sauce and cook over medium heat for a few minutes.
  3. Then add the well-drained crumbled tuna, the basil leaves, a pinch of salt, a pinch of pepper. Let simmer until the tuna is well preserved. Set aside.
  4. Prepare a bechamel sauce. In a saucepan, place the butter and melt it. Add the flour, mix and cook for 8 minutes to make a blond roux without coloring. Pour the milk. Add the parmesan. Mix and keep aside.
  5. In a hot pan, pour a dash of olive oil, season the aubergine slices with fine salt and cook them.
  6. In a dish, place a layer of eggplant then a layer of cooked tuna, a layer of pasta, cover with béchamel, place the zucchini, a layer of eggplant, pasta, cover with béchamel, place the cherry tomatoes and sprinkle with grated Parmesan.
  7. Place in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes so that the dish is stewed and lightly toasted on top.
    Enjoy cold or hot, with a green salad!

Also read:

Veal carpaccio from Cyril Lignac:an easy-to-make and super tasty recipe

Stuffed mushrooms by Cyril Lignac:a gourmet and easy-to-make recipe ("Ideal as a starter!")

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