Family Best Time >> Food

Rabbit fricassee with sweet garlic

Ingredients:4 people (2 jars)
  • medium rabbits (cut into pieces)
  • olive oil
    2 tablespoons
  • garlic
    4 heads
  • beautiful tomatoes
  • bouquet garni
  • muscadet
    1 glass
  • wine vinegar
    3 tablespoons
  • veal stock
    1 litre
  • whipping cream
    4 tablespoons
  • carrots (turned into 5-6cm olives)
  • butter
    2 walnuts
  • salt, pepper
  • coarse salt
    1/2 glass

  • Preparation time:15 minutes

Difficulty [usr 3]

In a fairly large sauté pan, put the olive oil. Season the rabbit pieces and brown them. Add 3 heads of garlic "en chemise" (unpeeled), cut sideways in half, then the coarsely crushed tomatoes and the bouquet garni. Let cook for 5 minutes. Deglaze with the vinegar, wait 2 minutes and moisten with the muscadet. Let reduce and add the veal stock. cook for 10 minutes and drain the rabbit. Let the broth cook for another 20 minutes.

Take 2 new 1 liter jars. Garnish them with the rabbit pieces, alternating them with the raw carrots and the "shirted" cloves of the last head of garlic.

Filter the broth, pressing well on the ingredients. Add the cream and fill the jars with this juice. If however the jars were not full, top up with water.

Close the jars, place them in the washing machine and cover with coarse salt water. Once boiling, cook for 40 minutes.

To use, empty the jars into a sauté pan. Heat gently to remove excess liquid. Add 2 knobs of butter. Season to taste. Arrange on a serving platter.

My advice:Choose Gâtinais rabbits if possible.

Joëlle's point of view:I advise you to add a crushed fresh tomato and a pinch of chopped thyme at the last moment! Mmm! a treat.

Important note:This canning system was developed by Chef Hubert under the supervision of the Appert Institute. These jars are semi-preserves to be kept at a temperature of 6/8° and protected from light. Under these conditions, the DLC is 2 to 3 months maximum.