Family Best Time >> Food

Chaplains of frecinettes with chocolate and spices, pistachio and hazelnut sauce

Chaplains of frecinettes with chocolate and spices, pistachio and hazelnut sauce

For 4 people:

Preparation:30 minutes

Cook:30 minutes

8 Frecinettes (small bananas) or failing that 6 yellow bananas

8 brick sheets

80g butter

4 tbsp runny honey

1 tsp cinnamon

1 pinch of nutmeg

1 star anise

1 lime

For the sauce:

10 cl of milk

10 cl of liquid cream

40g caster sugar

100g dark chocolate

40g pistachios

40g hazelnuts

  • Wash the lemon, finely grate its zest and squeeze the fruit. Peel the bananas, cut them into rings, put them in a saucepan with the zest and juice of the lemon, 40 g of butter, the spices and the honey and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, until you get a thick compote. Remove the star anise and let cool.

  • Turn on the oven to th 6 (180°C). Melt the rest of the butter. Layer the brick sheets two by two, spread the banana compote in the center, bring the edges of the bricks up to form purses. Tie them with twine and cut the excess dough with scissors. Brush the purses with melted butter and put them in the oven for 10 minutes.

  • For the sauce, put the chocolate broken into pieces in a saucepan with the milk, cream and sugar, bring to the boil while whisking, then remove from the heat.

  • Coat four plates with chocolate sauce, place the purses on top, sprinkle with crushed hazelnuts and pistachios and garnish with a few slices of bananas golden in butter, if desired.