Family Best Time >> Food

Charlotte with strawberries and pistachios

Ingredients:6 people
  • spoon biscuits
  • strawberries
    700 g
  • shelled pistachios
    100 g
  • liquid cream
    30 cl
  • 40% cottage cheese
    150 g
  • milk
    10 cl
  • gelatin
    7 sheets
  • icing sugar
  • cane sugar syrup
    10 cl
  • lemon juice
    1 tablespoon
  • strawberry liqueur
    10 cl

  • Preparation time:40 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 3]

Hull the strawberries, reserve 200 g, mix the others with the icing sugar. Scald the pistachios for 10 seconds, drain them, rub them in a cloth to remove the skin, crush them.

Soak the gelatin in cold water. Dip the biscuits one by one in the syrup mixed with the milk and garnish the bottom then the edge of a charlotte mould., rounded side outwards.

Dissolve the drained gelatin in the strawberry liqueur and the boiling lemon juice. Mix the quark, gelatin juice, strawberry puree and 100g diced strawberries. Add the Chantilly cream and 3/4 of the pistachios. pour into the charlotte mould. Place 6 to 12 hours in the fridge.

Unmold the charlotte on a dish. Decorate with the last sliced ​​strawberries and pistachios.

Charlotte with strawberries and pistachios