You see all those awesome frostings on cupcakes and you really want to do the same .
But strangely, at home, it does not make the same thing?
Do not worry ! There is a secret cupcake frosting technique that all bakers know.
All you need is a good socket and the right technique. So, watch your eyes, we give you this technique. Watch:
1. Choose a wide star socket.
2. From the edge of the cake, make a beautiful circle.
3. At the end of the first circle, repeat a smaller circle on the first one.
4. Continue like this, with smaller and smaller circles, until you reach the tip!
There you go, you have successfully frosted your cupcake :-)
Easy, right?
If you don't have piping tips or baking accessories, you can buy everything you need here.
You will amaze everyone!
And for a perfect result, take the time to fill your piping bag well.