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How to Make Homemade Ghee? The Easy Clarified Butter Recipe.

How to Make Homemade Ghee? The Easy Clarified Butter Recipe.

Want to make your own homemade ghee?

You are right!

It is one of the best alternatives to butter.

Ghee (or smen) has many unknown health benefits.

It also has the big advantage of not containing lactose.

Perfect for anyone who is intolerant! Only concern, ghee is not cheap...

We easily arrive at 20€ for a pot. Far too expensive!

Luckily, here's how to make your own homemade ghee for next to nothing with just a slab of soft butter.

In addition, the clarified butter recipe is super easy to prepare . Watch:

How to Make Homemade Ghee? The Easy Clarified Butter Recipe.

  • Ingredients
  • How to
  • Result
  • How to store ghee?
  • How to use ghee?


- 500g unsalted butter

- 1 knife

- 1 pan

- 1 spoon or slotted spoon

- 2 colanders with small holes

- 4 airtight jars

- 1 salad bowl

How to

Preparation: 1 min - Cooking: 40 min - For 4 jars

1. Cut the slab of butter into large chunks with the knife.

How to Make Homemade Ghee? The Easy Clarified Butter Recipe.

2 . Put the pieces in the pan.

3 . Heat the butter over low heat.

How to Make Homemade Ghee? The Easy Clarified Butter Recipe.

Note: it should melt smoothly, this is the most important step.

4. If the butter melts too quickly or boils, turn the heat down.

5. Let the butter heat for 30 minutes.

6. You will see a light white foam forming.

7. Gently remove it with a spoon or slotted spoon.

How to Make Homemade Ghee? The Easy Clarified Butter Recipe.

Note: this step may take a few minutes, as the white particles gradually rise.

8. Continue cooking as long as white foam appears.

9. Once all the foam has been removed, turn off the heat and let stand for a few minutes.

Note: after 20 min, the solid separates from the liquid and remains at the bottom of the pan.

10. Put the two colanders on top of each other on the salad bowl

11. Pour the golden yellow liquid into the bowl.

How to Make Homemade Ghee? The Easy Clarified Butter Recipe.

Note: do not pour the whey and leave it in the pan.

12. Transfer the liquid into airtight jars.

13. Leave to cool completely before closing the lids of the jars.


How to Make Homemade Ghee? The Easy Clarified Butter Recipe.

And There you go ! Your homemade ghee is already ready :-)

Easy, quick and delicious, right?

Plus, clarified butter is super healthy!

You will love the good taste of butter with a little nutty aftertaste.

On toast, it's a delight.

It is also a perfect alternative for those who are sensitive to casein because it does not contain any.

How to store ghee?

How to Make Homemade Ghee? The Easy Clarified Butter Recipe.

Preservation is very simple.

It can be kept for several months in its glass jar.

Place it in a cool, dark place .

You don't even need to put it in the fridge.

Don't worry, as it cools, the smen becomes hard.

This is completely normal.

How to use ghee?

How to Make Homemade Ghee? The Easy Clarified Butter Recipe.

This clarified butter is ideal for cooking at high temperatures.

It is not harmful to health.

It is also one of the basic elements of Indian cuisine.

With meat or fish, it's ideal. But also to give a good taste to vegetables.

The Indians melt it on their naan bread:a treat!