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A menu at 15 euros for Father's Day.

A menu at 15 euros for Father s Day.

No need to break the bank to prepare a delicious Christmas meal! Fathers! If you follow my advice, you will get it for 15 euros.

Gourmet or gourmet? Whatever your dad's profile, the menu I've concocted for you for Father's Day should delight him. And since I have my feet on the ground, these recipes won't ruin you!

All the ingredients are given for four people. It's up to you to adapt according to the number you will be at the table.

A menu at 15 euros for Father s Day.


Before going to the table, offer him an improvised aperitif with what's in the fridge.

A few small cheese puff pastries, accompanied by a handful of green olives marinated in a little olive oil and Provençal herbs; quick bruschettas or a guacamole and its small chips.

It's very simple to make and the preparation of this homemade appetizer will only take you a few minutes.

Sea Salad

You need a batavia, two tomatoes, 1/4 of a cucumber, 200 g of smoked salmon, 4 sticks of surimi, a plain yogurt, ½ lemon, dill, chives.

To make it, wash a few lettuce leaves, the tomatoes and the cucumber. Arrange the cut lettuce at the bottom of each plate.

Add the quartered tomatoes and the sliced ​​cucumber all around.

Place the smoked salmon chips in the center and a few cubes of surimi.

For the sauce, mix the yogurt with the juice of half a lemon. Salt, pepper and add a little dill and chives. When ready to serve, pour a little sauce over the salad.

Roast Pork with Prunes

Ingredient:roast pork, 200g prunes, five carrots, two onions.

Peel the onions and cut them into quarters. Brown them in a little olive oil in the bottom of a large saucepan. When they are nicely browned, add the roast and moisten with half a glass of water.

Add prunes and carrots cut into slices. Let simmer for ½ hour over high heat. Moisten with a little roast stock (if possible the one you had in the freezer from the previous time!) and lower the heat.

Cook for about 2 hours over low heat. The goal is for the prunes to become tender and themselves form a kind of very thick sauce. Add a little water if necessary at the end of cooking.

Serve the roast with green beans and rice.

Chocolate Mousse

It's a safe bet that after these two dishes, everyone will swear that there is no more room for dessert. But if you bring them a chocolate mousse my way, without butter or sugar, none of your guests will be able to resist!

Accompanied by a good coffee, this chocolate mousse will definitely make you the Queen of the Furnaces!

What menu have you planned for Father's Day? Make us envious by leaving us your ideas in the comments.

Savings Achieved

The whole point of your aperitif is to make it with leftovers from your fridge. Don't buy anything, just improvise based on what you find. It's simple and economical!

In the seafood salad, it is obviously the smoked salmon that is the most expensive. However, I significantly reduced the bill by preferring broken salmon (sold on average €2.80 a package) to whole slices. It takes €4 for this entry for four people

Pork remains one of the cheapest meats and this sweet and salty recipe allows you to vary the flavors. With a roast for €6 , a packet of prunes, rice and vegetables (a can of green beans, a few carrots and two onions), we arrive at a little less than 9 € of main course, if we stick to first-price products.

The dessert consists of eggs and chocolate. So I don't have any even for 2€ of dessert.

Deal ! I have a meal that is really out of the ordinary for Father's Day, at 15 € all stacks … Who is the strongest?!