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Light in Price and Calories:Endives Stuffed with Chicken.

Light in Price and Calories:Endives Stuffed with Chicken.

No, I'm not on a diet! And if my endives stuffed with chicken are as light in price as in calories, they are no less delicious.

I stole this recipe from my sister during a family dinner and I don't regret it for a second!

Sometimes I serve my endives stuffed with chicken, as crunchy as possible, as an aperitif, as a starter or as a main course accompanied by a bowl of rice.

I enjoy this light and easy recipe every time.

Light in Price and Calories:Endives Stuffed with Chicken.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 4 fine endives

- 400g chicken breast

- 2 plain yogurts

- 1 avocado

- 4 radishes

- 1 lemon

- 1 teaspoon of mustard

- chopped chives

- salt and pepper

How to

Preparation:15 min - Cooking:15 min

Light in Price and Calories:Endives Stuffed with Chicken.

1. I cook the chicken breasts in a frying pan without fat.

2. During this time, I wash the endives and thin them.

3. I rinse the radishes and slice them into thin rounds.

4. I peel the avocado and cut it into small dice.

5. Once cooked, I cut the chicken breasts into small pieces. I place the chicken, radishes and avocado in a bowl and mix.

6. I sprinkle the preparation with half the lemon juice, I salt and pepper.

7. In a bowl, I mix the yogurt, mustard, chives and the other half of the lemon juice.

8. I pour this mixture into the chicken mixture and mix well.

9. I choose 16 beautiful endive leaves (4 per person) and generously garnish each of them with the preparation using a large spoon.


There you go, your endives stuffed with chicken are already ready :-)

Simple, practical, light and inexpensive!

All you have to do is enjoy them now and enjoy yourself without fear of gaining weight.

Handy when you're on a diet!

Bonus tip

To remove any bitterness from my endives, I dig into the heel of my endive (at its base) using a knife and take out a small cone from this bitter part. I then pass them under water, but without soaking them.

Depending on the season, you can add diced tomatoes, red peppers to color your dish, as in the photo. All you have to do is wash them well and cut them into small pieces, then mix them with the rest in the salad bowl.

A light cost for a light recipe

- 4 fine endives:around 600 g at €3.49 per kilo, i.e. €2.09

- 400 g of chicken breast:€8.50 per kilo, i.e. €3.40

- 2 plain yogurts:250 g at €1.14 per kilo, i.e. €0.28

- 1 avocado:each €0.80

- 1 small bunch of radishes:€1.85

- 1 lemon:around 100 g at €3.60 per kilo, i.e. €0.36

Or 4 beautiful sheets of chicory stuffed with chicken for 1 person costing me €2.19 or at €8.76 for 4 people.

Your turn...

Do you also like to garnish your endives to make original recipes? Leave me your tips in the comments!