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BeBio's first green shake

Every morning Willemijn and Liselotte from BeBio start with a green shake. It is tasty and good for extra energy. In this blog they explain how you can start your day with a green shake from now on.

Willemijn and Liselotte: 'We at BeBio start every morning with a shake from the blender or from the slow juicer. The biggest difference here is in the amount of fiber and vitamins. With a blender, more fibers remain in the shake and with the slow juicer you have more nutrients, because you squeeze slowly and use more. Here you can also use ginger and carrots more easily due to the pressing system.

The start of our green shake in the morning has become an indispensable part of our pattern and is therefore addictive due to the effect of more energy. You can alternate the spinach with endive, cauliflower, chard or pak choi. You should not eat spinach for more than 2/3 days in a row, because you then get too much nitrate. As with everything, it's good to alternate. You can also replace the maca powder with a scoop of wheatgrass for extra minerals and vitamins.

What are the ingredients?
• spinach
• apple or pear
• parsley
• celery
• broken linseed
• cucumber
• 1 scoop maca powder (good for both men and women)
• A splash of water to dilute the shake

How are you doing?
1. All together in pieces in the blender! You can also occasionally add a scoop of wheatgrass for extra energy.
2. Blend it.
3. Pour it into a glass and enjoy your green shake.

BeBio s first green shake Willemijn and Liselotte from BeBio blog every Thursday on about a healthy and conscious lifestyle. They show how fun healthy living can be and that a conscious lifestyle is within reach for everyone.

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