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BeBio's recipe for gingerbread cookies

With this rainy weather and the Sint who is in the country, don't you immediately feel like ginger nuts? BeBio shares a recipe for gingerbread cookies.

This is a guest blog by Willemijn and Liselotte from

But how nice would it be if you could eat gingerbread cookies without that guilt afterwards that you've got rid of half a bag? That's why we share a gingerbread recipe without sugar. It is also very suitable for vegans. Get into the kitchen quickly, because they are very easy to make.

Ingredients sugar-free pepernoten
• 20 grams of almond flour
• 150 grams of buckwheat flour
• 60 grams of coconut oil
• 50 grams of coconut blossom sugar
• 5 tablespoons of almond milk
• pinch of cinnamon
• 2 tablespoons of gingerbread spices

How are you doing?
1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and place a piece of baking paper on the baking tray.
2. Mix all dry ingredients and coconut oil in a mixing bowl with a spatula and finally add the almond milk. If the batter remains too dry, you can add a little almond milk until the batter is good enough to knead into balls.
3. Now you can get started making lots of balls from the dough.
4. Now put the baking tray in the oven for 20 minutes and then let it cool down well to get a crunchy nut.
5. Now especially enjoy!

Hint: Do not place the kruidnoten too close to each other on the baking tray.

Read also:Can you freeze gingerbread dough?