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Recipe for pea-fennel soup with salmon and dill

This light soup gives you a spring feeling. Delicious as an appetizer.

for approx. 1600 ml / 6 people

  • Baking &Frying Olive Oil
  • 1 leek
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 1 fennel bulb
  • 150 g peas (freezer)
  • bunch of dill, 1 sprig for garnish
  • 1 L vegetable stock
  • 1 tbsp + 2 tsp Dill Lemon Mustard
  • 1 tbsp Chardonnay Wine Vinegar (white wine vinegar)
  • 150 g salmon flakes
  • 100 ml whipped cream

Ingredients Grissini

  • 12 Grissini al Romarino (rosemary grissinis)
  • 250 g smoked salmon
  • Ginger Mustard (ginger mustard)

Cut the vegetables finely and wash them. Put a dash of Fry &Fry Olive Oil in a pan. First fry the leek, then add the garlic and fennel. Simmer for a while and then add 1 tbsp Dill Lemon Mustard, 100 g peas and dill. Simmer for a few more minutes and then add the stock. Bring to the boil for at least 15 minutes and the vegetables are tender. Puree with the hand blender and finish to taste with the Chardonnay Wine Vinegar. After pureeing, add the peas and smoked salmon flakes to the soup. Whip the cream until stiff and mix with 2 tsp Dill Lemon Mustard. Garnish the soup with the cream and a sprig of dill.

Spread each Grissini al Romarino with a spoonful of Ginger Mustard and wrap with the smoked salmon.

Recipe and image:Oil &Vinegar. Check out the website for more inspiration and the products of Oil &Vinegar.