Family Best Time >> Food

Japanese noodle soup with chard and shiitake

Try a different noodle dish than you normally prepare.

Lunch or starter for 4 people
Preparation time:20 minutes

  • 150 grams of Japanese buckwheat noodles (soba)
  • 800 ml vegetable stock
  • 200 grams of shiitake
  • 4-5 chard leaves
  • 2-3 tablespoons of Japanese soy sauce

This is how you make it
Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the package. Drain them and let them drain. Meanwhile, bring the stock to a boil. Cut the shiitake into pieces and the chard into thin strips. Season the stock with the soy sauce. Add the shiitake and chard and cook the vegetables for 5 minutes until al dente. Heat the noodles in the soup for 1 minute. Serve in wide bowls.

Can't find chard? Then use 300 grams of wild spinach.

Curious about the other noodle recipes? You will find them in the October issue of Santé.