Family Best Time >> Food

Treat cupcake ice creams, easy to make and super tasty!

I remember well. The first time I had to invent and create a birthday treat for my oldest's kindergarten class...with a nervous breakdown lurking, I spent days scouring the internet for the perfect treat. Around that you also enjoy the discussion about whether or not to treat healthy. It made me CRAZY! Healthy crocodiles, hedgehogs, peacocks, fruit sticks, bananas in skirts or (and that is the 'ultimate' lazy treat) mandarins with drawn faces in a 'nice basket' passed by. But my eye has fallen on a treat cupcake ice creams!

Sometimes very uninspired mothers try to get rid of it with a bag of chips, a cup of candy (sometimes with the age and/or name of the child on the cup) or such a treat bag with all kinds of things.

My children can just enjoy sweets, on normal days in moderation, and a little more on their birthday. As long as they also eat fruit, I have no problem with that. Seriously, I once heard a mother at a children's party say to her 5-year-old daughter that she was no longer allowed candy while all the other children were fumbling in the candy jar (was offered), and supplemented that with the comment to the other mothers present:'I think from now on I will only give them 1 candy at most on the weekend and not for the rest of the week. Otherwise she will be way too fat.' My neck hairs stood straight up...

Read also: chocolate cake recipe for cake that is ready in 7 minutes

Table of contents

The making of the treat cupcake-ice-creams

Well, it's been a party here for the past few days and more parties are coming. So there is candy ! And yes, I also put the forgotten vegetables such as snack tomatoes and cucumbers neatly on the table. In addition to the cervelate, cheese and mustard. And besides the wine and liqueur…
So I'm back to the treats again:cookie monsters, tropical islands, egg cookie mice, treasure chest rods, Frozen or Princess cupcakes. It makes me happy and at the same time tired, what a lot of work!
But my daughter already had an answer when I once asked her:'Ice creams!!' The very first cupcake treat I ever made for her, she wanted it again. I glow with pride 🙂

So here it comes ladies:the number one hit when it comes to birthday treats; a treat cupcake as ice cream.

How do you make this cute cupcake treat?

The recipe is actually quite simple but keep in mind the number of treats needed and calculate a number of spare ones in 😉 . If you prefer to make a LEGO treat, you should check out fellow blogger Cheryl!

Ingredients for the treat cupcake

What do you need:

  • Cupcake tray (preferably for 12 pieces)
  • Butter and flour to grease the tin
  • piping bag
  • Edible ice cream cups (no cones)
  • Cupcake mix with all the necessary ingredients
  • Buttercream or light topping with all the necessary ingredients
  • Decoration! I chose disco dip, candy paper flowers and parasols

Preparation of the cupcake-treat-ice-creams

Preheat the oven and grease the baking pan. Do you have a large oven and several baking tins? Hoera! Are you ready sooner.

Make the cupcake mix and divide the mix between the cupcake molds but keep a little bit back to put in the bottom of the ice cream cup (it really only needs to be a very small amount).

Now put the ice cream cups upside down on each filled cupcake tin and put it in the oven.
When they are ready, you can quickly remove them from the mold (due to the flour) and set them straight (turning is recommended).
When they have cooled, prepare the buttercream or topping and pipe it with a piping bag as a big swirl on top of the cupcake. You can of course also do this with whipped cream, but it stays in place better, is a bit harder and you can prepare it the day before and store it in the fridge.

Tip! You can color the buttercream or topping with a little food coloring. Now you can enjoy decorating the cupcake ice creams, or let your child do this himself, even better 😉 .

This treat is still well liked by the children (and teachers and parents ). Both to see and to eat! Success is therefore guaranteed.

And believe me, if I can do this as a culinary left-hander, you can too!