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Baking healthy pie; 4 delicious cake recipes without sugar in a row

Baking a healthy cake was a challenge for me. But because I started eating (and snacking) more sugar-consciously, I also started to delve more into making healthy treats. Including healthy cakes in connection with birthdays and the 'appointment' I made here at home with my teenage son. For every 9 or higher he gets at school, I promised that I would treat me to cake.

Now the regular cakes from the supermarket or the bakery don't fit into my sugar-conscious diet, so I started researching healthy cake recipes for you. Something different than the sugar-free muffins that I also like to make. By using substitute products with less sugars, the cakes will be just as tasty as if you were to add sugar.

Table of Contents

4 healthy cake recipes

Of course I start with the healthy cake I made from cookies with less sugar from Céréal as part of my challenge. I baked this healthy cake for Luc because he indeed came home with a 9.3!

1. Strawberry cheesecake with agave syrup

Cheesecake is a real hit, I love it myself. They come in all shapes and sizes, but this strawberry cheesecake recipe with agave syrup has become one of our favorites. Not only because of the fresh combination of cream cheese and strawberries, but also because it is slightly more calorie-friendly due to the biscuit base used. With less sugar you can bake a healthy cake that is just as tasty.

Ingredients strawberry cheesecake (8 persons)

  • 125 g butter
  • 200 g Céréal less sugar Double Delight (available at Albert Heijn and Jumbo, among others)
  • 4 lemons (cleaned)
  • 400 g (lactose-free) cream cheese
  • 8 eggs, split (I use such a handy egg yolk separator for this)
  • 200 ml soy cooking cream
  • 4 tbsp agave syrup
  • 2 tbsp cornflour
  • 150 g fresh strawberries
  • 1 tbsp Stevia Sweet powder

Preparation of this relatively healthy cake

  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C. Melt the butter in a saucepan.
  2. Put the Céréal Double Delight cookies in a large, sturdy bag. Place a tea towel over the bag and roll it with a rolling pin to crumble all the cookies.
  3. Stir the biscuit crumbs through the melted butter. Pour the mix into the greased springform pan (22 cm) and press down firmly with the back of a spoon. Keep in the fridge for a while.
  4. Scrub the lemons clean. Grate off the yellow skin and combine with the cream cheese, egg yolks, soy cream and the agave syrup in a mixing bowl. Beat until smooth and add the sifted cornflour while stirring.
  5. Beat the egg whites in a bowl until stiff. Gently fold the egg whites into the cream cheese mixture. Pour the mixture into the springform pan and place in the oven for 1 hour.
  6. Hint! Check the doneness of the cheesecake with a skewer. Is the skewer dry? Then the cake is done. If not, place the cheesecake in the oven for an extra 5 minutes.
  7. When the cheesecake is cooked, let it cool completely and then decorate it with the strawberries and Stevia Sweet powder.

2. Cheesecake with blueberries and raspberries

This healthy pie has a biscuit base with cottage cheese on top and a topping of blueberries and raspberries. You make this delicious cheesecake as follows:

Ingredients healthy cheesecake with blueberries/raspberries

For the bottom:

  • 80 grams of butter
  • 250 grams of Céréal coconut cookies   (available at Albert Heijn and Jumbo, among others)

Melt the butter, crumble the biscuits and stir everything together. Take the cake tin, put baking paper in it and press the mixture into it with a spoon, spread evenly over the bottom. Place the bottom of this healthy pie in the fridge for at least an hour.

For the filling:

  • 500 gr full-fat cottage cheese
  • pure vanilla (to taste)
  • 5 gelatin sheets
  • grate of 2 washed lemons
  • 150 grams of thawed raspberries and blackberries
  • some fresh raspberries/blueberries/blackberries for garnish
  • Céréal strawberry jam (available at a. Jumbo, Coop, Hoogvliet, Deen, Vomar)

Soak the gelatine leaves in cold water and then dissolve them in a small amount of water over low heat. Add the quark and vanilla to the dissolved gelatin and stir well. Warm up the thawed raspberries and blackberries for a while so that they become even softer and smoother, then mix them with the quark.

Spread a layer of Céréal jam on the bottom and put the quark on top in the springform and leave the cake in the fridge for about 3 hours to set.

Then you can garnish the healthy cake with some fresh raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. Touch and don't worry about how much sugar you get in a day with this cake.

3. Mango pie with a date base

The top two cakes I can serve to my children, they love them. This mango pie with a date base, unfortunately doesn't make them very happy. But hey, all the more remains for us.

I found the Mango Pie on and have since tried it myself. Keep in mind that this cake does contain quite a bit of sugars because of the fruit and the bottom of dates.

4. Oatmeal strawberry cake

I have not tried this cake yet, but it is on my list of healthy cake recipes because it is very clear from the ingredients that there is nothing wrong with this delicious cake. In addition, we love oatmeal here in the house (Lotte eats it every morning for breakfast), so the oatmeal strawberry pie will probably go into it. I found the recipe for you via Pinterest and it's from Mindyourfeed. Here you can read exactly how to make this cake.

Healthy cake and more conscious eating

The above recipes fit in perfectly with the challenge I entered into with Céréal to make more conscious choices with regard to food and drinks. Now that I've been on the road for a few weeks now with eating less sugar and using substitute ingredients, such as the Céréal Double Delight cookies and the Céréal coconut cookies, I am becoming more and more adept at this. In addition, I notice that my goal is in sight. I'm starting to feel fitter and more energetic now that I'm using less sugar. And that makes me feel better about myself than a month ago.

You will also find more inspiration about healthy cake recipes at Céréal on the recipe page, such as an apricot cake, a fresh cheese cake with lemon, a cake with strawberries or an apple-almond cake.

Let me know what you think of these cakes when you make and taste them?

This article was created in collaboration with Céréal