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Desserts with less sugar; 6 delicious desserts that are ready quickly and taste heavenly

A heavenly dessert with less sugar to complete dinner after all, that has been my challenge during my sugar-conscious challenge last month. I have listed my favorites for you!

If you're a food lover as much as I am, you probably don't like to skip dessert. Since I have been eating more consciously, I have stopped eating desserts because I was so shocked by how much sugar I was ingesting per day. I'm sure you understand that that didn't really make me happy. So it's time to experiment with tasty desserts that contain less sugar. In this way you can prepare a nice dinner -with dessert- without having to worry about the amount of sugars you are ingesting.

Table of contents

6x dessert with less sugar and very tasty too

I made the desserts below in the past month to give myself something tasty without losing sight of my challenge to eat less sugar. They are fairly easy to make, taste great and look beautiful too!

1. Strawberry cakes with cottage cheese and coconut

To start with one of the tastiest desserts with less sugar, the strawberry cakes. My favorite because I think cake with strawberries is a delicious combination, especially with this coconut touch. You made them in 2 minutes and they look very festive these desserts, don't you think?

You need this for these strawberry desserts with less sugar

  • 3 strawberries
  • 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese
  • little coconut shavings
  • Céréal mini cakes with pieces of chocolate

Preparation strawberry cake for dessert

Remove the tops of the strawberries and wash them. Cut a cake in the middle. The cakes I used from Céréal still contain very small pieces of dark chocolate (without sugar). This gives a delicious crunchy effect to the dessert and chocolate naturally combines fantastic with strawberries.

Put a spoonful of cottage cheese on the bottom part of the cake, place a few slices of strawberry on top and garnish with some coconut shavings. Before serving, you can place the top part of the cake on top, or you can leave it next to it so that the red of the strawberry still gives a nice color to the whole.
This dessert with less sugar is ready within 2 minutes and surprisingly tasty. For the not so big eaters, one cake is more than enough, for the real gourmet you can grab two for dessert.

2. A raspberry dessert with less sugar

Another easy dessert. Although it takes some time to stuff the raspberries, this dessert is very easy to make.

All you need are raspberries and yogurt. And a little coconut shavings ensures that you can spice up this dessert a bit before you serve it.

Tip:Take a whipped cream syringe in which you put yogurt to fill the raspberries, that is a bit easier than with a very small spoon. Give everyone at the table their own bowl (a heart shape is of course very sweet) and you're done.

3. Tiramisu with less sugar for dessert

A warning in advance… don't make too much of it because tiramisu is very powerful, including this tiramisu dessert with less sugar. But tasty!

What do you need for this tiramisu with less sugar?

  • cup of coffee
  • teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 80 grams of oatmeal
  • 4 soaked Medjoul dates
  • 2 tablespoons raw cocoa powder
  • 1/2 can of coconut cream

How do you make this dessert with less sugar?

This tiramisu is also quite easy to make. Soak the Medjoul dates in lukewarm water for about 5 minutes so that they soften a bit. Use a food processor to mix the oatmeal, dates, vanilla extract, coffee until smooth.

Divide this mixture over 4 jars.

Open your can of coconut cream. You only use the solid cream, not the milk. It is therefore useful to open the can at the bottom. Just like whipped cream, beat the coconut cream into a firm cream and fill the jars to the brim with this cream.

Finally, sift the cocoa powder over your dessert and then leave the jars in the fridge for at least half an hour to allow the cream to set. Your tiramisu with less sugar is ready.
Tip:You can also sprinkle some coconut shavings over the cocoa powder (only for the face), that looks even nicer!

4. Strawberry trifle

At Céréal I also found a very nice (and tasty) dessert with less sugar. Here too, the cakes with small pieces of chocolate are used that I also used for dessert number 1.

Ingredients for this strawberry trifle

  • 1 cup strawberries
  • Céréal mini cakes with pieces of chocolate
  • 100 ml cream to whip (33% fat)
  • Optional 1 tbsp Stevia Sweet powder
  • 2 mint leaves

For the preparation of this delicious trifle with less sugar, visit the Céréal website.

5. Mascarpone dessert with blueberries and strawberries

I love mascarpone myself and this dessert with less sugar fits perfectly into my adjusted diet. So very happy with it.

Ingredients for mascarpone dessert with less sugar

  • 125 ml whipped cream
  • 115 gr mascarpone
  • 250 gr strawberries
  • 3 tbsp stevia sweet powder
  • 250 gr blueberries

Wash the blueberries and strawberries and cut the strawberries into smaller pieces. Beat the whipped cream, mascarpone and stevia with a mixer until it becomes stiff. Fill the glasses or jars with strawberries first, then top with the mascarpone mixture and then a layer of blueberries to finish it all off.

Tip:You can add a nice layer of Céréal strawberry jam under the blueberries for some extra taste, structure and color. And possibly some coconut shavings on top for the final touch.

6. Apple crumble with less sugar

One of the desserts with less sugar that I don't often eat for dessert, but rather have it during the day or in the evening when I'm still a bit hungry is this apple crumble, but then the healthy version.

Ingredients for the apple crumble with less sugar (per serving)

  • an apple
  • cinnamon or gingerbread spices to taste
  • small handful of raisins
  • a little coconut oil
  • 25 grams of oatmeal, finely ground (I do it myself with the food processor)
  • a little Stevia Sweet powder to taste (not necessary)

How to make this apple crumble

This dessert with less sugar is also a breeze to make. Peel the apple and cut it into pieces. Mix the apple with the cinnamon, the raisins and optionally the stevia. Put the whole thing in a jar in the microwave for a minute. Check after a minute whether the apple mixture is already warm. If not, put it back in the microwave for a while.

Meanwhile, heat the coconut oil. Add the oatmeal and, if desired, a little more stevia powder to taste. When the oatmeal is crispy baked, make a nice layer over your jar with apple mixture and the apple crumble is ready. A delicious dessert with less sugar and therefore also delicious as a snack if you want.

I am curious if you also have a delicious dessert with less sugar for us. And if you've tried any of the recipes above, let me know what you think!

This article was created in collaboration with Céréal.