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Vegetarian barbecue:12 delicious and tasty recipes to enjoy without meat

No, the barbecue is not just for meat or fish lovers! A 100% vegetarian barbecue has nothing to envy to the traditional chipolata, merguez or fish skewers. With vegetarian alternatives we are certainly having fun without frustration or deprivation. It's all about flavor and balance. And on the grill, tasty and colorful mixes can even bluff the most skeptical.

Vegetarian barbecue:gourmet recipes without animal flesh

There is no shortage of plant-based options without meat or fish for a barbecue. Of course, we think first of vegetables :with an original marinade , in skewers or in papillotes , these are sure values. So you can make, for example, grilled corn on the cob or marinated cauliflower rings in lemon juice with spices.
For grilling, think of vegetable proteins like tofu , tempeh or vegan soy and wheat steaks . Likewise, if you are not vegan, the cheese can be ultra gourmet alternatives.

Finally, for a sweet and grilled touch, you can make delicious fruit skewers or seize some products like bananas or pineapple.

Discover in our slideshow all our recipe ideas, spotted on Pinterest, for a vegetarian BBQ to die for.

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