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Recipes with pumpkin:18 tasty and tempting ideas

After the butternut squash, it's the turn of the pumpkin to take pride in the kitchen! But before getting down to it, a little reminder is in order because we often tend to confuse pumpkin and pumpkin . But even if they are part of the same family of curcubitaceae, they are different in every way. The pumpkin has a round, flattened shape and its colors vary between bright orange and dark green. While the pumpkin is smaller, very orange and has a shape that is quite similar to the pear. So it is easier to consume!

Another difference and not the least, each one has its particular taste . And precisely the pumpkin is very appreciated for its mild and sweet flavors reminiscent of chestnuts. Its tender flesh also gives it more smoothness than that of the pumpkin. Thanks to this, pumpkin can be cooked in different ways:au gratin, in soup, roasted or stuffed, but also with pasta, fish and meat.

Tips:how to know if a pumpkin is good?

It has all happened to us to be in front of the vegetable stall and not know which pumpkin to choose. Well, there are a few tips to know if a pumpkin is good . We recognize a ripe and healthy squash thanks to its uniform and lively color, but also by its peduncle which must be very dry. Likewise, to find the right pumpkin, make sure it is firm to the touch and watch its bark , if it is cracked, it means that your curcubitaceae is already suffering the damage of oxidation. To counter this, the pumpkin should be kept in a cool, dry place .

Pumpkin recipe:how to cook it in a sweet preparation?

Good news for pumpkin lovers , it can be cooked both salty and sweet! Indeed, if you got tired of pumpkin soup , use this gourd in your sweet preparations! In cakes, it goes very well with spicy flavors, such as cinnamon, vanilla and ginger. In addition, its flesh is easily used to replace butter in recipes, so we see no reason to deprive ourselves of it! In a brownie, a brioche, a pie or a cake, the pumpkin will delight you.

Discover all our recipe ideas with pumpkin in our slideshow.

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