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Vegan recipes:15 ideas for varied and delicious dishes to delight your taste buds

For ourbody but also to reduce environmental pollution , we should decrease our consumption of meat, poultry and fish. However, it is not always easy to find recipe ideas that are both good for the body and good for the taste buds.

Complete meals, even without meat, it's possible!

People vegetarians do not consume any animal flesh but continue to include eggs and other animal products in their diet. Vegans, on the other hand, drastically exclude all products of animal origin; no more honey, dairy products or even meat broth.

Be careful, however, to respect a certain dietary balance and do not forget to include proteins to your dishes so as not to be deficient. For that, hello cereals , legumes , oilseeds and other substitutes such as soya in all its forms.
We do not forget that a complete meal consists of carbohydrates, vegetables and proteins; the latter sometimes passing, failing that, to the trap in a vegetarian diet.

Recipes without meat:what if we varied the pleasures?

Without trying to completely eliminate animal flesh from your diet, curiosity can push you to look for alternatives and thus to try new combinations of foods .

It is true that recipes incorporating protein substitutes are not only reserved for vegetarians but also for those who wish to expand their range of possibilities in terms of food.
Recipes vegetarians and vegans are not dull, tasteless and uninteresting but can be very tasty, even better than scavenger dishes; yes, yes, we assure you, try the Bourguignon de Seitan or the Hummus Quiche .

Do you want to discover new food horizons or are vegetarian, you will love our selection of meatless recipes, each one more gourmet than the next.

See also:

Did you know ? :we can finally make an omelet without breaking eggs!

Meat:plant-based alternatives to limit consumption

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