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Winter recipes:36 original and gourmet ideas for cooking butternut squash

This season gourds are on all plates and in particular one in particular:butternut . This affordable vegetable – also called butternut squash – packed with good vitamins . With its slightly sweet taste butternut squash can be cooked in different ways, on hot bread , in a salad , in risotto and even in dessert . Results? Gourmet dishes full of flavors!

Tips:how to easily peel and cut your butternut squash?

If you found yourself on this article, it is because YOU also had an unfortunate experience when cutting your butternut squash . Rest assured the "problem" is not with you but rather with your utensils . Because of its hard skin, the butternut requires quality equipment to be able to cut it easily without hurting yourself.

So there are several tips to know. First to peel your butternut squash you can:

  • Use a long knife with a smooth blade ora paring knife , please also have a solid and clear work plan . To do this, cut the butternut into slices then cut the skin with the knife.
  • Cook the squash and usea peeler . No you're not dreaming, just steam squash for a few minutes to soften the skin. Then all you have to do is bring a tea towel and your peeler.

Finally, to cut your squash as well as possible you have to take into account several cutting formats :diced for purees and soups, in sticks for fries; finally, to stuff the butternut, you have to cut it in half lengthwise and scoop out the pips with a spoon.

You are finally ready to tame this vegetable!

Discover our original and gourmet recipes for cooking butternut squash in our slideshow.

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