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Make parsnip soup, simple, quick and nutritious, this soup of forgotten vegetables!

A tasty parsnip soup on the program this time. But first:what is a parsnip? A parsnip is what they call a “forgotten vegetable”. I found another name that you may also know:Pentecost. It looks like a white carrot that was left in the ground just a little too long. A parsnip is large and thick, and has more of the color of a celeriac. The taste of a parsnip is more like radish-turnip, it gives a slightly spicy aftertaste, without being overdone. The more parsnips you use in your dish, the more the flavor comes into its own. And now one of my favorite soup recipes, the parsnip soup. A soup that is not only tasty and nutritious, but also ready quickly!

What do you need to make parsnip soup?

If you've ever eaten parsnip soup, you will certainly agree with me that a little stuffed parsnip soup is a tasty, nutritious soup. It can actually be compared to pea soup, only making the parsnip soup is done faster. If you prefer to eat a carrot pumpkin soup, I also have a delicious recipe for you.

Ingredients parsnip soup

  • Or:1 or 2 bags of pre-cut and pre-washed soup vegetables
  • Or:the regular vegetables that you use in your soup:onions, carrots, leeks, (not too much celery because then it will taste)
  • 2 parsnips
  • garlic, 3 cloves
  • 2-3 potatoes for the binding of your soup, that makes them thicker and your belly is filled faster
  • bay leaf
  • Bouillon, or water with stock cubes, that is of course also possible. I prefer vegetable stock, but it is also delicious with chicken. Beef broth has a rather predominant taste so I personally wouldn't take that.

Read also: spinach soup for the necessary muscles

Want to learn how to cook? Check the cooking course by the Cooking University for more information .

How do I make a-nutritious parsnip soup?

  • You clean the parsnips like carrots, so grate for a while. Then cut them into pieces. Cut the other vegetables into pieces as well (or throw in your bag of ready-made soup vegetables).
  • The peeled potatoes can also be added in pieces.
  • Fry everything (with the garlic) in some oil or butter in a large, high pan with a lid. I often skip this step due to lack of time, but it is more delicious if you do this and it actually only takes you 5 minutes to get even more flavor from your parsnip soup.
  • Add boiling water with stock cubes, or the ready-made stock and the bay leaf.
  • Season with salt and pepper, so that the herbs can cook with it. That is a lot tastier because they release their flavor much better.

Tip:If you have laurel at home, that is always nice too. Don't forget to remove that leaf before mixing!
When the parsnips and carrots are soft, you can start mixing! I don't mix the soup completely smooth, but I still leave some pieces in it as you can see in the photo. Because everything is soft, it doesn't matter, the children also think this is fine and it gives you something more to 'chew'. Enjoy your meal!

More in the mood for a tasty lentil soup? Check out this spicy lentil soup recipe.

Do you think there is still too little taste in it? Then use an extra parsnip next time! You can also make parsnip puree with potatoes instead of parsnip soup. That goes well with steak! Do you have a slow cooker? I made this parsnip soup in the slow cooker, delicious too!