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making apple turnovers; my son has a taste for it

A while ago I wrote that teenage son has decided that he wants to become a pastry chef. How this will all work out, I have no idea. But the fact is that he comes up with nice ideas these days. This time he wants to make apple turnovers the way he did at school. So I don't really have to do much, although it is appreciated that I cut the apple into pieces. Good mother as I am, I stimulate my adolescent by helping him 😉 .

Do you also want to make apple turnovers? It really can't fail that way.

Make apple turnovers; a simple recipe and 'reasonably' healthy

Making apple turnovers is not that difficult at all, but in general eating apple turnovers is not really healthy for you. There is quite a bit of sugar throughout and on top. And since I try to use less sugar, 'we' do the same with these apple turnovers. Of course I have to send Luc a bit in this, because he prefers to use as much sugar as possible 😉 . Just like making a whipped cream cake, for example.

Making apple turnovers with less sugar, ingredients (10 pieces)

But it's okay, less sugar because of the apple turnovers. Just use a little more cinnamon in proportion, it also sweetens nicely and you miss the sugar a little less.

  • 1 pack of puff pastry from the freezer (it contains enough for 10 pieces)
  • 2-3 apples (Luc uses Elstar)
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon powder
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 egg

How to prepare your own apple turnovers

  • Remove the dough from the packaging and let it thaw for 10 minutes. Preferably no longer, because then it will become too weak and it will not be so easy to work.
  • Preheat the oven to 200°.

  • Peel the apples and cut them into small pieces. If you are going to make apple turnovers, it is easier to cut the apple pieces fairly small. This makes filling the apple turnovers easier. I myself had cut the apple a bit too coarsely, which made it a bit more difficult to make them beautiful.
  • Mix the sugar and cinnamon powder and toss some of it through the apple pieces.
  • Beat the egg and brush the slices of dough with it. For example, use a silicone brush, which is very handy.

  • Divide the apple among the 10 pieces of puff pastry as you see it here in the photos. Fold the puff pastry closed and 'mash' the edges together with a fork. This way your apple turnover is closed properly.

  • Brush the top of your apple turnovers with beaten egg. Sprinkle some cinnamon sugar over it and then the apple turnovers can go in the oven.

  • 15-18 minutes in the oven and they are ready.