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Guacamole by Cyril Lignac:an easy to make and very tasty recipe ("It's spicy and fresh as we like it!")

Oh the guacamole*! This mashed avocado perfect for an aperitif, and in which you dip tortilla chips with a constant taste of coming back to it in your mouth. A convivial dish par excellence whose recipe Cyril Lignac gave during one of his many appearances on the program Tous en cuisine. It was Monday, May 18, 2020! A week earlier, on May 11, France began deconfinement without yet knowing that others would follow. A long-awaited date that did not mark a return to life before, the one that a year later we continue to hope for.

Guacamole by Cyril Lignac:the convivial dish par excellence!

The fact remains that in fact we have fervently resumed the aperitifs, these moments of conviviality so essential to reconnect with loved ones. Suspended moments during which you know, the joy of reunion responds to that of feasting. And to do this, nothing like a dish of fresh and spicy guacamole to make the taste buds sing in unison.

*To sweeten a too spicy guacamole, stir in a spoonful of fresh cream or cream cheese!

Recipe:here's how to make Cyril Lignac's spicy guacamole!


  • Preparation time:12 minutes
  • Recipe for 4 people


– 200g avocado
– 100g frozen peas
– 10g washed and well-dried coriander leaves
– 9g Espelette pepper
– 1 lime zest Whole
– 40g lime juice
– Green Tabasco
– Sunflower and pumpkin seeds
– Fine salt and ground pepper
– Tacos or tortilla chips (optional)


In the bowl of the blender, pour the flesh of the avocados with the frozen peas, the coriander leaves, the Espelette pepper, the juice and the zest of the lime, season with fine salt, ground pepper and Tabasco then mix at high speed. The preparation must be very smooth. Check seasoning, add if lacking. Serve in bowls with the seeds on top. You can accompany the guacamole with tacos.